
Lord in heaven hallowed be thy name
Lord in heaven hallowed be thy name

(Isaiah 43:10) Alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. “The first and the last,” or “the beginning and the end,” meaning that there was no Almighty God before Jehovah and there will be none after him. daiʹ, “God Almighty,” occurs seven times in the Bible.The following list of some of those titles and descriptions shows how each one reveals an aspect of Jehovah’s nature or his personality.ĭerived from Arabic, the word “Allah” is not a personal name but a title meaning “God.” Bible translations in Arabic and other languages use “Allah” as an equivalent for “God.” *Īlthough the Bible refers to God by only one personal name, it uses many titles and descriptions for him. This name appears about 7,000 times in ancient Bible manuscripts​-far more frequently than any other term for God or, indeed, anyone else’s personal name. * Through his prophet Isaiah, God stated: “I am Jehovah. It is written יהוה in Hebrew and is usually rendered “Jehovah” in English. The Bible acknowledges: “There are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth, just as there are many ‘gods’ and many ‘lords.’” (1 Corinthians 8:​5, 6) Yet it clearly identifies the one true God by his name, Jehovah.​-Psalm 83:18. Is there a difference between God and his name? Those four Hebrew characters-transliterated YHWH-are known as the Tetragrammaton. In that language, the divine name appears as four consonants, יהוה. The first part of the Bible was written not in English but in Hebrew, a language that is read from right to left. While many scholars prefer the spelling “Yahweh,” Jehovah is the form of the name that is most widely recognized. Jehovah is a rendering of God’s name in English that has been used for centuries. That passage says: “I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah, I was not known to them.” Many translations of the Bible contain God’s personal name at Exodus 6:3 ASV, AKJ, KJ, DBT, ERV, WBT and YLT. Jesus is never called "God Almighty" nor "Sovereign Lord" nor "Creator". That is my name.” (Isaiah 42:8)ASV Although he also has many titles, such as “God Almighty,” “Sovereign Lord,” and “Creator,” he honors his worshippers by inviting them to address him by his personal name.-Genesis 17:1 ASV Acts 4:24 WNT 1 Peter 4:19 ASV. 2:21-25) So even now, the ransom enables us to have a righteous standing with our Father and to share in the sanctification of his name. God declares anointed Christians righteous as his sons and those of the “other sheep” righteous as his friends. He accepts as his worshippers those who dedicate themselves to him. On the basis of Christ’s sacrifice, God forgives the sins of those who exercise faith.

lord in heaven hallowed be thy name

When we make mistakes, as we all do, we genuinely repent and turn away from practices that dishonor God.​-Ps. 5:14-16) As holy people, we prove by the way we live our lives that God’s laws are good and that Satan’s accusations are false. By performing righteous deeds, we let our light shine and thus bring glory to God’s name. Even when we are persecuted, we do our best to live according to His righteous principles and laws. (Read 1 Peter 1:15, 16.) This means that we worship only God and that we obey him with our whole heart.

lord in heaven hallowed be thy name

We can show we love God's name by our conduct.

lord in heaven hallowed be thy name

By being loyal, Jesus proved that a perfect human could maintain perfect obedience to God’s righteous standards. Even when Satan subjected Jesus to an agonizing death, Jesus remained completely loyal to his heavenly Father. (Read Psalm 40:8-10.) By his perfect life course on earth, Jesus proved that it is reasonable and righteous for God to set standards for his intelligent creatures. (John 17:25, 26) Jesus contributed to the sanctification of the divine name. Jesus, on the other hand, truly loved the name of God. By lying about Jehovah, Satan slandered God’s sacred name.​-Gen. In spite of this, in the garden of Eden, Satan slyly questioned God’s right to set standards for humans. In another prayer, Jesus addressed God as “Holy Father.” (John 17:11) Since God is holy, all principles and laws that originate with him are holy.


God’s name embraces the full scope of His excellence, majesty, and holiness. Jesus mentioned the sanctification of God’s name as the first request in his model prayer. What is the meaning of "hallowed be thy name"?

Lord in heaven hallowed be thy name